Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Where did Elle go?

In to a bleak, dark, ice storm of doom. That's where. This week was awful, I think it's one of the worst ice storms Kentucky has ever seen. There were trees, and limbs everywhere, 500,000 people without power, and the roads were horrible.

This pretty much cleared up, until today. So we released early from school, because it snowed like 4 inches. The most snow I've ever seen at once. My mom is always yelling at me to not walk to Kmart or McDonald's in the snow with my friends because "snow makes the roads slippery." And guess what. She doesn't pick me up from school. So I have to walk home on roads that haven't been salted yet, with reckless teen drivers. Oh yeah, because that's way better than the safe sidewalk to Kmart. Anyways, I had to walk all the way home, in the snow, by myself. It's usually no big deal to walk home but today it was horrible. I fell multiple times and now have bruises all up and down my legs. Thanks Mom.

Sorry it's been like 935093059 years since I updated. I promise I will blog more, soon. This was just a quick update. Thanks so much to everyone who kept reading, commenting, and following. You guys rock.